

i. Fellow of the Society (one) w.e.f. 2024 in alternate year
ii. Young Scientist award (one), w.e.f. 2024 in alternate year

  • Each awardee will be honored with a certificate and a memento.
  • For each award, the applicant must be a life member of the Society for Minor Fruits, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. The ‘application forms’ for the awards are available in the website of the society.
  • The intended applicants will have to submit their application within March/June of the concerned year of awards

Composition of the committee for selection of all sorts of awards to be conferred by the Society for Minor Fruits, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants is as follows:
Convener: Secretary of the society


  1. President of the Society
  2. Vice-President of the Society
  3. Two of the senior members of the society


Modalities of Selection of Fellow of the society:

  1. The applicants must be a life member for at least five years of the society.
  2. Minimum age limit is 40 years.
  1. He/she should have published at least 10-research papers on minor fruits, medicinal and aromatic plants, of which at least three should have been published in the journal of the society. The papers should have been published in NAAS scored journals / UGC approved journals /Scopus or Web of Sciences indexed journal. Soft copies of published papers must be attached with the application, failing which the application will be treated as invalid.


Modalities of Selection of Young Scientist Award:

  1. The applicants must be a life member of the society.
  2. Maximum age limit is 35 years.
  1. He/she should have at least 05-research papers on minor fruits, medicinal and aromatic plants. The papers should have been published in NAAS scored journals / UGC approved journals /Scopus or Web of Sciences indexed journals, of which one should have been published in the journal of the society. Soft copies of published papers must be attached with the application form, failing which the application will be treated as invalid.
  2. Every applicant will have to present his/her academic activities made so far before a team of experts, whose decision will be final with regard to selection of the awardee.

Application form for 'Young Scientist' award

Application form for 'Award of Society Fellow'