Complaints Process

Receipt of Complaint: The office of the Editor-in-Chief receives a complaint related to research misconduct in a submitted manuscript or a published article through e-mail.

Submission of Complaint: If reporting misconduct for a published article, complaints can be made through e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief. Complainants must clearly outline the nature of the misconduct, highlighting specific details such as plagiarized content.

Investigation Initiation: The editorial office initiates an investigation, engaging with the editorial board of the journal and corresponding author(s) of the suspected article.

Author's Response: The corresponding author(s) is contacted and requested to provide a factual explanation, along with any available evidence.

Resolution Steps: If the author(s) acknowledges the misconduct: for published articles, an erratum or retraction may be necessary. However, for manuscripts under review, the process may proceed with the author(s) addressing the required changes.

Non-response or Unsatisfactory Explanation: In case of non-response within the stipulated time or an unsatisfactory explanation, the article may be permanently retracted or rejected. Confirmation may be sought from relevant experts or authorities as necessary before a decision is made.

Communication of Outcome: The complainant is informed of the resolution once the matter is resolved.

Conclusion of Complaint Case: The complaint case is considered concluded upon resolution of the issue. This procedure emphasizes confidentiality, sensitivity, and a thorough investigative process to address and resolve allegations of research misconduct.